"Infertility for a woman in India is still considered a crime, a threat to her very existence in this world, thereby experiencing a social stigma and isolation within the society".

Thursday, July 15, 2010

1st Panel Review

Review- 8th July

The meeting proved to be quite helpful in terms of strengthening my ground work for the film. The proposal was liked by everyone but my research behind the idea of adoption needs to be worked on. I realized since adoption is a much sensitive issue, some more research can help me to incorporate some of the minute details into my film, which otherwise I would have over looked.

· I need to understand how different the Indian adoption scene with that of overseas.

· In India the hierarchy (in terms of power) within the family can affect the decision of the mother to adopt.

· In India, sometimes couples can get very specific about the kind of child they want, in terms of caste, colour, looks and features. It’s as if they are buying vegetables.

· Do the couples in India prefer to adopt within families so that they have no inhibitions about the background of the child if adopted from an agency.

Thus I will come back to my panel after much research done, by the 19th of july, monday.

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